The Severe Von Willebrand Disease (sVWD) Patient Registry

A Longitudinal Natural History and Patient Outcomes Study


After years of development, VWD Connect Foundation (VCF) is proud to announce the December 2021 launch of the sVWD Patient Registry. Under the guidance and commitment of Dr. Mrinal Gounder, Chair of the VCF Research Committee, we are ready to begin gathering data concerning the sVWD Patient experience. This is a significant step in providing the necessary information to the scientific community so together we can improve treatment and CURE Von Willebrand Disease.

F O R  P A T I E N T S  ·  B Y  P A T I E N T S  ·  A D V A N C I N G   T O G E T H E R

WHAT is the sVWD Patient Registry?

The sVWD Patient Registry is an IRB approved on-line registry that will collect longitudinal data from patients living with Severe Von Willebrand Disease.  Data collected will include patients’ experiences with their disorder (like symptoms, treatments, etc.), their quality of life, and medical information related to their disorder (like laboratory values).

WHY did VWD Connect Foundation sponsor the sVWD Patient Registry?

Severe VWD is an ultra-rare disease state, and scientists need to understand sVWD patients’ medical and life experiences to be able to move the research needle forward. As the U.S. sVWD National Patient Organization, the Foundation understands the critical importance of gathering this information in a safe, methodical way so we can provide the data to scientists with a robust research proposal.

F O R  P A T I E N T S  ·  B Y  P A T I E N T S  ·  A D V A N C I N G   T O G E T H E R

WHO is involved in the development of the sVWD Patient Registry?

Our co-Principal Investigators (co-PI’s), S. Christina (Chrissy) Morgenthaler, M.S., MBA, Dr. Mrinal Gounder and Dr. Christopher Walsh, bring years of experience in both clinical research and systems platform security and design.  Together they have donated endless hours in developing this research study.  AND…two are directly affected by Type 3 sVWD!

Who better to lead us on the journey to a cure?

For more information about the sVWD Patient Registry please contact: 

Research Coordinator

Co-Principal Investigator

JEANETTE CESTA, Study Administration

F O R  P A T I E N T S  ·  B Y  P A T I E N T S  ·  A D V A N C I N G   T O G E T H E R

Are you a VWD patient interested in more information or joining us in this critical mission?

For more information about eligibility, the participation process, and participant data privacy:

To go directly to the secure sVWD Patient Registry site: