Category: Members
Are you a Community Member?
We want a loud voice for Type 3 VWD, so be sure to join us as a Community Member! Community Membership is free, and automatically makes you eligible to attend all VCF events and join in the planning and shaping of the Foundation. Check out our Membership page for all the info. And remember, if you attended the May 2017 Making the Connection Conference in Florida, you are automatically approved for Community Membership. All you need to do is let us know you want to become a Community Member and you are in!
Save the Date for the 2018 National Conference!
It’s happening again – VWD Connect Foundation announces the 2018 National Type 3 Von Willebrand Disease Conference, Making the Connection, June 22-25, 2018 in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
Check out the details on the Events page. Hope to see you there!
Have an idea?
Have an idea for a way VCF can help? Let us know! This is YOUR Foundation, Community Members will shape and guide its future. But only if you tell us what will help. If you find a resource to help families living with Type 3 VWD, send it our way so we can share it on the website. Have an idea for an educational event? Let’s see if we can make it happen! Are you a fundraising guru? We could use your skills! Together we can make a difference in the lives of those living with Type 3 VWD.
Power in Numbers!
People with Type 3 VWD are an extremely small group, it is estimated that there are only 300-400 in the United States. So how can your voice be heard? How can your needs be known? VCF is here to help.
The community has noticed you! The conference in May 2017 has spurred great conversation about the challenges of Type 3 VWD and people are beginning to act. Research is being planned, organizations are reaching out to see how they can help and connections are growing.
Stay tuned for more to come!