Simon De Meyer, PhD


Dr. Simon De Meyer obtained his PhD in Biochemistry in 2005 at the KU Leuven University, Belgium focusing on Von Willebrand factor and Von Willebrand disease. During his postdoctoral work, he took a post-doctoral research position at Harvard University (Immune Disease Institute in the laboratory of Prof. Denisa Wagner, Boston, U.S.) where he further developed his interest in the role of Von Willebrand factor in the pathophysiology of myocardial and cerebralischemia/reperfusion injury. As associate professor, he currently heads the Laboratory for Thrombosis Research focusing on the thrombo-inflammatory aspects of the VWF/ADAMTS13/platelet axis in health and disease. He serves on the Board of the Belgian Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis and as co-chair of the Von Willebrand factor SSC of the ISTH. Recipient of several awards (including the Belgian Galenus prize for fundamental farmacology, the Baron Marc Verstraete Prize for research on hemato-angiology from the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, and the Prize Ernest Solvay in Neurological Sciences from the Queen Elisabeth Medical Foundation). He is (co)author of over 90 papers in international peer reviewed journals and is co-owner of several patents.