Robert Sidonio MD MSc


Robert Sidonio graduated from UAB medical school, completed his pediatric residency at the University of Louisville and completed his fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh where he also obtained his Masters in Clinical Investigation. Dr. Sidonio has been the Associate Director of Hemostasis and Thrombosis at Emory University since 2014. Dr. Sidonio’s clinical and research interest is in investigating the bleeding phenotype and genotype of women with hemophilia carriage and low VWF funded by the Hemophilia of Georgia Clinical Scientist Development Grant. He is also the co-creator of the Atlanta Protocol which combines Emicizumab and FVIII for ITI. He is also the PI for the Emicizumab PUP and Nuwiq ITI trial, MOTIVATE study, ATHN 9 study (severe VWD), Mexico Inhibitor study and Wilate prophylaxis trial.