Registration as a member is essential, and we’ve made it easy.

Determine your ELIGIBILITY

A diagnosis of Type 3 von Willebrand disease (requires medical documentation of diagnosis) OR

Diagnosis of von Willebrand disease (excluding acquired VWD) WITH

  • Any VWF antigen* or activity** <20% regardless of bleeding phenotype/symptoms (requires medical documentation) OR

  • VWF antigen* or activity** <30% WITH excessive bleeding symptoms (requires medical documentation AND verification from a hematologist attesting to excessive bleeding symptoms)

*May show up on labs as: VWF:Ag
** May show up on labs as: VWF:RCo or VWF:GPIbm

A parent/legal guardian of a minor patient (under the age of 18 years old) may join the Foundation on behalf of their child.

Membership is open internationally, however some travel grant opportunities and in-person events may be restricted to U.S. residents.

EXCLUSIONS to membership

Patients who are employed by or are a representative under contractual agreement with industry/and or home care companies serving the bleeding disorder community.

Patients with a Family Member who is employed by or is a representative under contractual agreement with industry and/or home care companies serving the bleeding disorder community.
A “Family Member” is defined as:
• A primary caretaker/parent of a minor child with severe VWD
• A primary caretaker/parent of an adult child (over the age of 18 years old) with severe VWD who is financially dependent on a caretaker.
• Dependency is determined by financial support, providing insurance, primary residence (regardless if the patient is away at school) or tax return dependent status
• A patient’s spouse or significant other residing in the same household
• Any person living in the patient’s household

If you’re ready to become a member, or have any membership questions,
please contact Executive Director Jeanette Cesta at 561-373-3889 or click below.
Alternatively, use the information request form and we will be in touch with you soon!